Grow Group Questions – June 30, 2024

Admin Team   -  


Discuss as a group how you can join the church family in supporting the Foster Care Ministry’s backpack drive.

Icebreaker:   How do you relate to the character Vizzini from “The Princess Bride” misusing the word “inconceivable”? Have you ever used a word or phrase incorrectly?

Sermon Discussion – Read Matthew 7:1-5

  • What are some common misconceptions about the phrase “Do not judge”
    • How have you seen this phrase used in ways that might miss its true meaning?
  • How do you distinguish between condemning someone versus judging, discerning between right and wrong actions? Can you provide examples?

(The podcast talked a lot more about this)

  • Why do you think it’s easier to notice others’ faults rather than our own? 
    • What steps can we take to fight against this type of hypocrisy?

Going Deeper 

  • How do you react when someone points out a sin in your life? What can you do to be more open to receiving constructive criticism?
  • What is the difference between confessing you have a beam and actually dealing with the beam in your life?
    • Why is confessing not enough?
  • What are some loving and compassionate ways to help a brother or sister in Christ with their “splinter”?
    •  How does the command to carry each other burdens also guide us for how to help each other with sin?

Next Steps

  • How can we, as a church community, support each other in recognizing and overcoming our sins? What role does our Grow Group play in this?

Prayer Time: Take some time in reflection, asking the Lord to reveal any “beams” in your eye that are hindering your ability to help others with their “splinters.”

Reminder for next week – Read Luke 10:25-37