Grow Group Questions – May 19, 2024

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Please take time in your group to fill out the Grow Group survey. The link is here

Icebreaker:  If the group collected “a penny for your thoughts” every time you were angry this week, how much money would you owe?

Sermon Discussion – Matthew 5:21-26

  • We heard some examples of laws that Jesus’ audience kept in letter but broke in spirit. Can you think of any of Jesus’ teachings that we do that with today? 
  • What must we know to go beyond face value and discover God’s heart behind his directives? 
  • Why do you think Jesus equates having anger and giving insults with receiving severe consequences?
  • According to Matthew 5:23-24, why is reconciliation so important that it should take precedence over offering gifts at the altar?

Going Deeper

  • Why is it challenging to love those who have wronged us, and how can we overcome these challenges?
  • What does “seek the kind of reconciliation that creates friendships out of adversaries” mean?
  • How can we practice humility in seeking forgiveness and reconciliation?
  • What are some things to keep in mind if someone refuses to forgive us?(Read Romans 12:18)

Next Steps

  • Are there any unresolved conflicts in your life that you feel prompted to address after hearing this sermon?
  • How can the group support you in taking steps toward reconciliation and forgiveness in these situations?

Prayer Time: Ask the Lord to reveal relationships where your brother or sister may have something against you and for the courage to go to them if needed.

Reminder for next week- Read Matthew. 22:1-14