Democratic Republic of Congo, Global Fingerprints & Rachel Balia

October 16, 2023
Right in the center of Africa, you’ll find the Democratic Republic of Congo; a country devastated by AIDS, Malaria, and a long civil war. All of which have led to an unfathomable number of widows, orphans, and disabled with great and urgent needs. Many of these people live with a lack of food, shelter, or a way to provide for themselves. In a district with no infrastructure, no paved roads, no water service or electricity, Rachel Balia & Global Fingerprints reach out to serve the most vulnerable in the population: orphans, widows, and children with disabilities. Currently Global Fingerprints is caring for over 1,700 children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Children are sponsored and regularly assessed for their spiritual, nutritional, medical, and educational needs, but most importantly, they are introduced to Jesus and His deep love for them.There are a variety of ways that Rachel and Global Fingerprints are helping meet these huge needs. At Promise Home they house and care for the most vulnerable children with disabilities who are rejected by their culture.  At Elikya Center they teach life & vocational skills to older orphans and widows. Tandala Hospital was established in 1955 by the Evangelical Free Church; it has 220 beds and is the primary option of care for a population of 1 million people. Most recently, they started an elementary school.  Bethany Church is honored to support what Global Fingerprints and Rachel are doing in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and a group of Bethany women have been making, collecting, and sending much needed supplies there for over 50 years. This volunteer ministry, called White Cross, supplies things like tools & sewing kits to the vocational center, reusable bandages and baby blankets for the Hospital, scripture cards for people’s homes, and recently, funds from the church paid for school supplies for the new school. Most importantly, we pray over every item that we send, and for the person who will receive and use it. This year, White Cross has teamed up with three other churches, and we are sending a combined 10 totes of supplies, which in total weighs over 900 pounds! Praise God!  All women of all ages are invited to help us top this number again next year, so if you interested in helping support what Rachel is doing, come talk with us at the engage booth and make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable across the world.