Grow Group Questions - October 16, 2022

October 13, 2022 12:03 PM


Are you going to the parent conference on Oct 21-22? Consider signing up and going as a group or helping at the conference as a group. 


What is the best advice that you have ever been given?

Sermon & Scripture Discussion - 2 Timothy 3:1-9

1. In verse 1, the context seems to indicate that the last days refers to the time between Christ’s first and second coming (also see 1 John 2:18). 
  • Is this how you normally think of “the last days?” 
  • Why would it be helpful to think correctly about the last days?

2. The bookends of Paul’s sin list in verses 2-4 are: “lovers of themselves” and “rather than lovers of God”.  

  • How are these 2 “bookends” related? 
  • How do they produce all the other sins in the list?

3. Explain what Paul is saying in verse 5. How would we know if someone was guilty of “having the appearance of godliness but denying its power?”

Going Deeper - 2 Timothy 3:1-9 

4. When you look at the list in verses 2-4, (see chart below) how do the descriptions force you to examine yourself instead of pointing fingers at others? 

  • Which do you struggle with the most? 
  • How do you confront this struggle? 

5. At the end of verse 5, Paul tells Timothy to “avoid such people.” 

  • How should we reconcile this teaching with 2 Timothy 2:24-25? 
  • Are there people or situations that you need to avoid?

6. In verses 6-7,  Paul points out how the False Teachers were using their power to sway and oppress others. Tylor said that we all have power in certain areas. 

  • How do you use your power to serve rather than trying to get your way?
  • How can we do a better job of using our power for the sake of Christ as we represent God & Bethany in our everyday lives?

Prayer Time: 

  • Spend time praying about what might have been shared in the going deeper discussion. 

For people will be lovers of self

More concerned about Yourself than others

Lovers of money

Cares more about your house, car, cabin, clothing, cell phone… than God and his mission


Posting that perfect photo of your Vacation, or Kids Birthday Party on social media because it feels good when 50 people hit that “Like” button..


We think we deserve more of a voice in leadership, more influence, more recognition because of what we have done… in the world or in the church…


We just have to write a reply to that crazy post on Facebook that is worded just sharp enough to hurt… but subtle enough we can rationalize it.

Disobedient to parents

Or being a contrarian… for the sake of being a contrarian…


assuming that things should be the way we want them?


Not caring how your actions reflect the truth that you claim to believe in.


Caring more about what you know… than about someone else


Drawing lines in relationships, views, opinions… that if someone disagrees with you makes them your enemy…


Posting and Telling OUR side of the story in a way that people know that WE were wronged.

Without self-control

Allowing your sinful desires to determine your actions, rather than Gods Standard of Holiness.


Not caring for others feelings or thoughts

without love for what is good

Allowing your sinful desires to determine your actions, rather than Gods Standard of Holiness.


We will do whatever it takes to make sure we get what we want.


Not caring about the collateral damage of your actions.


More in Love with yourself, than with anyone else.

Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

Looking for satisfaction in Food, Coffee, Adventure, Sex… insted of in our Relationship with God.

holding to the form of godliness but denying its power.

Claiming Godliness Using this gift that God has given us for our Gain and pleasure and denying its power.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Our offices are closed from December 23 to January 1.