Grow Group Questions - June 26, 2022

June 23, 2022 12:46 PM


Ask your group about any potential ideas of names of people who might want to be deacons or if anyone in the group is interested in serving in this way. You can respond to this email with any suggestions of people they can reach out to, or you can contact the deacon chair, Andy Chown ( or the co-chair Craig Buckley( directly. We would love to hear from you. Here is a video that explains what our Deacon Team does. 

">Deacon Team Description

Sermon & Scripture Discussion - Hebrews 11:8, Genesis 6-9

  1. What do you think the main point of the sermon this week was?
    1. What does it tell us about what faith is
    2. What does it tell us about what faith isn’t?
  1. How does this sermon and the main passage apply to you and your life?
    1. If there was one thing from the sermon or scripture this week that challenged you or that captured your attention, what was it? Why?
    2. Is there anything you disagreed with, that surprised you or were unsure about?
  1. As you looked at this week’s passages, how would you answer these questions?
    1. What do these passages tell us about God?
    2. What do these passages tell us about humanity/us?
    3. What do these passages tell us about the life God desires for us?

Going Deeper:

  1. How did God move through these scriptures or this sermon in your life? Is he:
    1. Directing you to change something?
    2. Confronting you about Sin?
    3. Encouraging you with a promise?
    4. Revealing something new about His heart?
  1. In the passage(s) or from the sermon this week, do you see a:
    1. Sin to confess
    2. Promise to keep
    3. Promise God will keep
    4. Example to follow
    5. Attitude to change

Prayer Time:

  • Spend some time praying based on what the group has shared God is calling them to in their own lives. 
  • Use the prayer prompt cards for the Senior Pastor Search that were given out at church  senior-pastor-search-team
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Our offices are closed from December 23 to January 1.