LEADERS: IF you have not already please go fill out the Grow Group Leader Survey Sent out on Monday, October 18th. Also, please start to read the first 3 chapters of “Side by Side”.
Conversation Starter/Questions
When you know it’s going to be a “missions” message do you normally feel drawn toward that Sunday or distant from it? Why?
Sermon Based Questions
Read John 1 :1-3, Genesis 1:26-28, and 2 Corinthians 3:5 Parker said that God in the three persons of the Trinity is "self-sufficient".
What do you believe this means based on the message?
What does this tell you about the relationship between us and God?
Why does God use us if he doesn’t need us?
Think through all of the ways God has moved towards us/initiated relationship with us in Scripture. How many ways has God initiated relationship or moved towards us can we name as a group? (Guide hints: Creating us, Giving us His word, sending us His son, sending us His spirit, inviting us into His family etc) - Also look up 2 Corinthians 5:18, Romans 8:19, Ephesians 1:5 as examples:
What does this tell you about God and his desires?
What does this tell you about how you are to reflect God to others?
Going Deeper
Parker said, “As God goes, so goes the church”.
Summarize what you think that statement means for us?
How does this tie into our Value at Bethany of Missional Living?
Missional Living: “We intentionally commit our hearts, http://www.onlinephentermine.net resources and time as we interact with people in our church, homes, neighborhoods, communities and world resulting in everyone we come in contact with, knowing more about Jesus Christ.” Read 2 Corinthians 5:20 in light of the previous discussion and this next question: How are you moving toward people in your life that do not know Jesus?
If you aren’t, what keeps you from moving toward others the way God moved toward you?
How does this challenge from Parker this week speak to what Pastor Thad said last week about “living with your ‘yes’ on the table” (Willing to say yes to whatever God asks)? Are there any new truths this week that you had not considered before for Christian living?
How should this truth impact your life tomorrow?
How can God use “us” as a Grow Group to be moving toward others as God moved toward us?
Challenge and Prayer
When it comes to missions, pray for God to help us put our “yes” on the table for whatever that means, for my neighborhood, city, world.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Our offices are closed from December 23 to January 1.