Bethany Family Fun night at the YMCA March 6th. Is your whole group going? Make a plan.
Challenge for the group to read over next week’s text which is all of John 14 few times before next Sunday
Conversation Starter (Pick one if needed)
Who has shown you the greatest act of sacrificial love (besides Jesus)?
What’s your favorite example of love in a movie? Do you think that version of love is a “real” love?
Sermon Discussion (Read John 13:1-20)
Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, 13. What is the difference between the world's definition of love and the kind of love Jesus modeling in John 13 that should set us apart?
Foot washing was an extreme act of humility and love for anyone to do to someone else, but was especially impactful from Jesus to his disciples. Do you think there is a similar equivalent of the humility in footwashing in our culture today? If so, what and why?
We see in this chapter that Jesus washes all of the disciples' feet, including Judas. What do you think about that?
Is there something we can model from Jesus that he shows us in his response to Judas or the other disciples?
How is the response of Peter and Judas similar?
How are they different from each other?
Why does that matter?
Which do you most identify with and why?
Going Deeper/Application
What do you think the church is known for? Is it love? Why or why not?
What do you think Bethany Church is known for? How might you have contributed to that?
Let's get deeper… Are you known for love? Why or Why not?
Read 1 John 4:20-21- What does this tell us in light of John 13:34-35
Final Challenge
Pastor David said that it's much easier for us to be like Judas than we think.
What does that look like in your life?
Where is God calling you to love better right now, in our church with a fellow believer?
Prayer Time
Instead of taking prayer requests, spend timing praying for each other based on what is shared in the “Final Challenge” (Either as a whole or after breaking up into genders)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Our offices are closed from December 23 to January 1.