Consider planning a Christmas Party as a group before you break for Christmas
Christmas Eve service times:
3:00 pm and 5:00 pm (Nursery and 2’s Available at 3 pm only)-Masked Venue Available at 3 pm
ONE SERVICE DECEMBER 26th @ 10:30 am with a Masked Venue (Nursery and 2’s Only)
Conversation Starter
Billy shared that he has always wanted to see the Grand Canyon, but has never gone, though people say it’s beautiful. Is there something/somewhere that you, because of what you have heard about it and believe because of what you have heard, want to see?
Sermon Based Questions
Read John 4:46-54 In your own words after Sunday’s message, what is the difference between faith in the power of Jesus and the person of Jesus?
Based on John 4:44-45 Why do you think you think Jesus said what he did in verse 44 and also we hear what we hear in verse 45? What does this tell us about how we might respond to Jesus?
What is an example of when you have gone and pleaded with Jesus on behalf of someone else? How have you seen God work as a result of those prayers and pleading?
Read John 5:1-16 In John 5:6 Jesus asked a question (Read John 5:6 and any context around it).
Why do you think Jesus asked that question?
Why do you think that man needed to answer before Jesus worked in his life for healing?
What might be the relationship between brokenness and hope in this question from Jesus?
How has Jesus revealed himself to you to help you believe?:
Through hearing the testimony of someone like the Samaritan's did with the woman at the well OR was it a sign, something God did in your life or for you like the Roman ruler?
Which one was a big part of your own story of believing and following Jesus?
How have you seen God work in your life recently?
Going Deeper
Though many of us would likely agree that the prosperity Gospel is wrong, we can often feel like God should reward us for “doing good.”
Do you find yourself thinking that? How do you respond when you have that thought?
If it's not about us and what we do, how should we see times when God does heal and answer the prayers the way we ask (Roman Ruler and Man at the Pool) versus the times when he doesn't reach out or heal (all the others who were at the pool in or Galilea)?
Billy pointed out that in this story at Bethsaida, where the man was healed, there were many others with similar conditions there that Jesus didn’t heal. Is there an area of your life that you feel like God is choosing to not heal you, or do something for you?
If we know God is good in what he does, what might be the good is working toward in his process?
Challenge and Prayer (This would be a good time to break into Gender Groups for prayer):
Is there something you are asking God to do in your life right now, answer to prayer, healing, or a sign of hope in a tough situation? Would you be willing to share?
Then as a group or in your different smaller groups gather and pray for that person, that need, and situation.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Our offices are closed from December 23 to January 1.