Grow Group Questions - August 8, 2021
Announcements for your Group:
Mercy Justice Fun Day! We are asking your Grow Group to help us with this day designed to bless foster care families and children on August 21st. We need groups to volunteer to run carnival games. Everything will be supplied, we just need your group to run the booth. Arrive at 10 a.m. and the event ends at 2 p.m. so after everything is cleaned up your time to serve will be done. REGISTER ONLINE.
Conversation Starter/Questions (10 minutes)
Think about the last time you were angry? How did you handle it? Afterward, did you wish for a do-over and how would you handle it now?
Share with the group some things that trigger anger for you (overstimulation, driving, stress, lack of sleep, your own insecurities, loss of control etc).
Sermon Based Questions (15-20 minutes)
Read Matthew 5:8, 21-26 - Why is anger, or the manifestation of anger, so tolerated in our society even though it is so toxic to relationships? Could this be an opportunity for Satan?
What is an example of a time that you experienced someone else's anger, how did you handle that? How do you wish they would have approached you with their anger? What does this tell you about how you handle your anger?
Discuss the difference between righteous anger and sinful anger?
Digging Deeper (20-25 minutes)
When people say, “that is just who I am” when they lose my temper/get angry, how do you tell them that’s not okay (for healthy relationships)? What scripture would you use to encourage them to examine themselves?
Of all the responsibilities we have with the emotion of anger, which one is hardest for you and why?
- Be responsible to understand and control your emotions - Proverbs 29:11
- Be responsible to control your tongue - James 3:6
- Be responsible to seek council - James 3:6
- Be responsible to bring God into the equation and keep satan out - Psalm 139:23-24; Ephesians 4:22-27
- Be responsible to forgive and love - Ephesians 4:30-32; 1 Corinthians 13:5
- Be responsible for your mistakes and to help others with their anger - Ephesians 4:25, 27; Proverbs 15:18
Challenge and Prayer (10-15 minutes)
Is there someone you need to engage regarding anger, yours or theirs? When are you going to approach them? Pray for each other about this?