Grow Group Questions • May 8, 2022

Aby Anderson   -  


See the note from Kim Larson, one of our missionaries who would LOVE to come to visit your Grow Group. (see the leader email)

Conversation Starter 

What has your experience been reading Ecclesiastes before, have you ever read it? What do you know about Ecclesiastes either by experience or reputation?

Sermon Discussion (Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-15)

  • Read the opening verses of Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 (in several translations)
    • These verses summarize the main theme of Ecclesiastes. How would you describe this theme in your own words? 
  • Ecclesiastes is all about “meaning”, so why does it spend the vast majority of its words telling us where meaning is not?
    •  Why doesn’t the author just tell us where the meaning IS and be done with it?
  • Read Ecclesiastes 12:9-11. The author at the very end says that the words of the preacher are like goads (cattle prods).  He is essentially saying that the wise words of this book are supposed to hurt a little bit.
    • What makes the book of Ecclesiastes hurt?
    • We don’t like things that hurt. In what ways do we try to lessen the blow of Ecclesiastes and its potential impact to challenge how we think and live?
    •  How does that contrast with the “wise” words of our culture?
  • Parker said: “Finding meaning in our circumstances is meaningless, yet our lives which are composed of a myriad of circumstances are not ultimately meaningless.” How is this possible?
    • Read some Examples of life appearing Meaningless: Ecclesiastes 2:12-17, 9:11-12, 7:15, 8:14
    • So where does meaning lie when it comes to life’s circumstances?

Going Deeper/Application

  • Let’s get Personal and Real:
    • What have you hung your hopes on that has dissolved like a vapor, left you disappointed or disillusioned? 
    • Even though we’ve been disappointed and disillusioned, why do we continue to grasp for the things (the vapors) of this world?

Final Challenge: 

  • What are things you might be holding onto right now in your life that are like chasing a vapor? What would God call you to do in response to this revelation?

Prayer Time

  • Consider: Instead of taking prayer requests, spend time praying for each other based on what is shared in the “Final Challenge” 
  • This week let’s pray for the Search Consultants 
    • That the Holy Spirit will guide the process
    • To guide them into the right conversations on behalf of the church
    • For individual spiritual care-taking time to care for their personal spiritual growth in the midst of busy lives